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The Foundation was established to encourage private contributions in order to build and maintain outstanding academic and support programs at the college. Donations to the Foundation support areas of institutional need including scholarships to deserving students, equipment purchases, materials for the library, and staff development.

Join the 六合宝典开奖 faculty and staff that annually contribute to the Foundation and are committed to making 六合宝典开奖 a vital community center! Faculty and staff that would like to join may give through payroll deduction.

Foundation Scholarships

六合宝典开奖 is pleased to announce a new web interface to be used in applying for 六合宝典开奖 Foundation Scholarships. AwardSpring will facilitate and streamline your scholarship application process. All returning 六合宝典开奖 students who have completed one semester of study are encouraged to apply.

Contact Us

To learn more about how you can invest in 六合宝典开奖 please contact Lauretta Hannon, Director of Institutional Advancement.