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Special Populations

The Special Populations program at 六合宝典开奖 (六合宝典开奖) is designed to offer comprehensive support services to students who experience barriers that could hinder them from succeeding in their educational goals at 六合宝典开奖. Our Special Population Program offers additional assistance to support students in achieving their educational goals. 六合宝典开奖 strives to enrich the educational experience, promote success, and contribute to the economic self-sufficiency of Special Population students.

Who are identified as Special Populations students? 

  • Single Parents - Students who have primary or joint custody of a dependent child or a person who is single and pregnant.
  • Out-of-work Individuals - Students who are out of the workforce (unemployed) due to layoffs, relocation of the company, or downsizing.
  • English learners - Students have a limited ability to write or understand English due to a language other than English as their primary language.
  • Homeless Individuals - Students lacking stable and appropriate housing.
  • Foster Care students - Youth who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system.
  • Economically Disadvantaged - Includes low-income youth and adults and/or PELL Grant-eligible students
  • Under-represented Gender Students - Non-traditional fields are those where a given gender is less than 25% of that field’s workforce. (Examples of non-traditional careers for men include cosmetology, dental assisting, early childhood care and education, and nursing. Examples of non-traditional careers for women include automotive, computer technician, construction management, and welding.)
  • Individuals with Disabilities - Students who need classroom accommodations and/or academic adjustments for a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities such as; caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, or learning. Documentation required. 

What do I have access to as a Special Populations student?

  • Campus Food Pantry
  • Clothing Closet
  • Lending Library Program
  • Skills Workshops 
  • Student Success Workshops
  • Student Support Services
  • Peer Meetings
  • Resource Center Referrals 

For more information, or to see if you qualify, please contact Special Populations.